Independientemente de la orden judicialk reciente que tienen, yo venia pensando bastante en dynadot la semana pasada.

Tomado de WHT esta esta info :

—Quote (Originally by Techno)—
Dynadot had no choice, They were complying with a court order. If wikileaks thinks its unjust then it's their dime to fight it in court.

If the police seize your leased car for drug possession your leasing company will not fight for you in court – if anything they will go after you for their loss.
—End Quote—
Dynadot did have a choice, they could have fought to get the lawsuit against THEMSELVES dismissed as they are protected as a service provider. Instead they made a deal with the devil so they wouldn't have to actually stand up and it sets a very poor precedence.

If I want to screw with you all I need to do is sue you and DynaDot. Then DynaDot will suspend your domain if I drop the lawsuit against them, seems like a pretty easy way to wipe someone out.***************

La relacion de amor odio para mi es por su limite necesario para bulk y de amor por los precios de .org nuevos, de .net en bulk y la rapidez en general.

Llevo varios dias pensando en la estrategia para ver que 60 dominios dejo con ellos, y estoy pensando seriamente en algunas alternativas:

1 – Pasar ahi dominios parking
2 – Comprar ahi dominios nuevos que quiero conservar y moverlos a los 2 meses
3 – Pasar ahi dominios de clientes que probablemente quiera echar a patadas despues y los dominios de clientes nuevos nuevos.
4 – Pasar ahi dominios de clientes que no necesitan privacy protection ni manejo raro de dns.

Lo mas seguro es que haga una variante de 1 a 3.
